Monday, January 5, 2009

Guna Die Alone part 1

To begin with, I just want to ejaculate on everyone I see. This isn't a creepy sexual thing mind you, sure there's prolly some sexually related themes, but it's more of an act of rage. I want to blow my load on every fucking face that passes by me.

I want to splooge all over the fucking prom queen (who no doubt by now is fat from the 8 pregnencies she's had since highschool). I want to shoot all over her slutty ass friends (that incidentally didn't get pregnant because they spend their time sucking dick and taking it in the ass, because that's how you get boys to like you) that annoy the shit out of me while I'm at the bar.

I'll wipe cum all over those fucking hipster assholes that wear fake glasses and talk about poetry and how cool there new band is. I imagine the cum slowly sliding off the glass and ruining that stupid sweater with a horse on it that they bought at savers for 2 dollars.

I want to jizz in the eyes of all those popped collar white thugs that think they're so fucking badass because they grew up in the "hood". Fort Collins is not the fucking hood. You're a white upper class moron that likes rap for some god awful reason. Yea right guys, big screen TV's, phat whips, sweet ass dimes, gangsta gangsta gangsta! What the fuck does that shit even mean? Good luck getting my soldiers out of your bling bling fuck faces.

I want to sperm in a jar of dred wax and watch those fake rasta fuckers smear my DNA all over those hideous fucking dreadlocks. God fucking damn it you people smell like shit. What fucking Ja doesn't want you to take a shower? I don't care if you're into Rastafarianism, but you people are fucking white rich kids that just want an excuse to smoke weed and have it be trendy. Nice expensive cars, nice trust fund, nice naming your daughter fucking Marley! At least my jizz will smell better than your petchuly.

I want to erupt all over those fucking punk kids and emmo faggots. Nobody is fighting anything anymore, and especially not with shitty music that was cool 2 decades ago. Look at me I'm so fucking cool because I choose to amount to nothing and live in squaller. Yea you fight that fucking system retards. Oh and for fuck's sake take off those fucking girl pants and cut your fucking hair. You will never be hard core in pants so tight you have to tuck your dick behind your ass, which incidentally is where I will cum on you.

I'll jizz twice on the cowboys, and use the goo to polish those fucking retarded giant belt buckles. Oh look at me I love songs about whiskey and women, cause that's country living! Everyone loves songs about fucking whiskey and women you fucking retards! That's just America. Though because of you boot wearing closet fags the whole world is convinced we're a bunch of impred idiots that ride horses and hate minorities. Yee-fucking-haw you horse humping racists.

I can't wait till my slime ruins the make-up of all those dimwitted gothic heavy metal fuckers. Man is Hot Topic fucking awesome! I love rebelling against those trendy kids by doing the exact same fucking thing! Good one! As you can tell I'm kinda angry, so angry music does suit me, but seriously stop jumping around and punching each other, or at least do us all a favor and do it hard enough that you fucking die. Though it never was about expressing your anger through music, it was about being a fag and wearing dark and mysterious fashion. Ruin everything I like. Fuck you.

I won't have sex or jerk off for a month before I spray all over those fucking metrosexual pieces of shit that are ruining the world. I'll have so much gunk built up in my balls when I bust it on you, you'll fucking drown, you chest shaving, perfume wearing, wine drinking, yoga attending, easy listening mother fuckers! God I fucking hate you! For some reason it's not ok to be a man anymore, so good job fellas you chase that fucking pussy to the ends of the Earth while you bury the entire history of men. Too bad you'll all be sucking each other's dicks when you get there, because girls don't fuck faggots!

Back to you're the fucking reason for that previous paragraph. All of a sudden you bitches decided it wasn't ok for us to be men anymore, because men are fucking mean. I'll be the first to apologize for the centuries of subjugation and discrimination, no one deserves to be treated like that, but maybe you ladies should have been better at stuff, then men wouldn't have spent so much time being in charge of you. Men still treat you like objects in the present day, they just do it differently so you don't really notice. We're so obsessed with you bitches we're willing to deny everything we are just to make you happy so that maybe you'll grant us 5 minutes to squirm in between your legs and pretend like we don't actually hate you. Anyway girls don't be mad, because at the end of the day you win. Men are so fucking stupid we'll continue to do whatever the fuck you say. I know this because I am one, and I'm pretty fucking stupid. All the men around me are turning into whiny, snivling, pansy-ass crybaby's that talk about their feelings. I'm talking about my feelings right now, happy?

I want to jizz on all the fags. Nothing they aren't used to.

I want to jizz on all the lesbians, man-haters, and those lipstick weekenders that just like to cock tease. Don't forget about the ones that are just nice people.

Yea fuck nice people. I have lots of spooge for you.

Fuck mean people too. Kinda like me.

Fuck that guy who plays guitar at parties, even though no one gives a shit and Wonderwall was never a good song. Fuck you if you like that song. Have fun wiping all the crusties off your guitar strings. How many panties are you going to get wet with a guitar that smells like my boxer shorts!

Fuck power walkers, joggers, gymnists, and those guys that lift a lot of weights so they don't have to think about their latent homosexuality.

Fuck those fixie riders. Your bike doesn't have any fucking brakes you fucking retards! But its so cool to ride around with your tight pants and messenger bag. Fuck anyone on a bike really, motorcycles included.

Fuck cars and the people who drive them. Don't even get me started on fuck cars. Just know I'll ruin your paint job with...yea you guessed it JIZZ!

I won't enjoy busting a nut all over that pathetic little fat kid as much as I should, but it's for his own good. I can see him just standing their dumbfounded as I shoot my load into his fucking twinkie pastry roll. Don't worry that calorie slurping monster will still eat it, he diesn't have any choice, because that's what Americans do. I will however enjoy shooting some jizz like a fucking lazerbeam all over those mean little bastards that will no doubt tease that fat sack of shit until he either kills himself or everyone around him. Then I'll especially enjoy jizzing on that fat bastard's parents for being neglectful and all around horrible people, just like most everyone I know.

I'll Jizz on you, and your parents, and your friends, and your fucking grandma, and that stupid fucking dog you walk in tha park to get attention.

And finally I'll save a big load to shoot in my own eyes so that maybe I'll go blind and won't have to look at anyone anymore. Then I won't have to look at myself in the mirror because honestly I'm worse than all these people. This is what I do. So fuck me.

The more people I see like myself, the more it sounds like we're all going to die alone.

If you've read this far I congratulate you. A friend of mine suggested I do this to vent my rage. It may be working.

For part 2 I will be sharing amusing anecdotes as oppossed to my excessive word vomit. So If I've entertained you stay tuned. I'm just warming up.


  1. maybe you should take up smoking...

  2. Nice jizz fest. Now I need a shower.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ok, I need to know 2 things:

    1) Why didn't you say anything about bloggers?
    2) Which one do you think I am? Can I be the fat kid because I love twinkie pastry rolls?

    - The guy from OK

    P.S. see you in NYC.

  5. So this is why ******* jumped your bones...

  6. So you want to fertilize all these people with ur spunk? That seems counter productive. But after all, your my Wonderwall.
